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Mindfully made

Stu pouring candles

When creating our product, we wanted it to be as sustainable as possible. Of course, we are not perfect and there will always be room for improvement but we have made some key decisions from the outset. 



Our choice to use a blend of coconut and rapeseed wax was an easy one. Rapeseed crops are grown in the EU on land already used for agriculture. The coconut oil comes from smallholders in Asia where the production is well-regulated. Both crops are sustainable, renewable, GM free and come without the risks of deforestation associated with soy wax, or the overuse of pesticides.


Coconut and rapeseed wax also produces a high quality scent throw, burns more cleanly than soy or paraffin – which as a petroleum derivative can release soot and lead to respiratory problems – and more slowly, giving you maximum enjoyment.



We are working hard to ensure every element of our packaging is responsibly sourced, produced and fully recyclable. We even cycle your orders to our local village post office – good for us, better for the environment.



Both coconut and rapeseed crops are sustainable, renewable, GM
free and come without risks 
of deforestation associated with soy wax, or the overuse of pesticides.

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